

Provides services to Industrial, Commercial & Residential clients.

Problem Statement:
In order to increase efficiency and effectiveness, Petroleum Management Inc., was looking to automate their processes. They were lacking a system of automation that would improve time management and work assignment.

The company provides the numerous services including oil spill removal, pumping, tank removal, quick restoration of site and removal of  various kind of hazardous solid, liquid and gas material. Therefore, it was becoming crucial for the company to automate their systems and make them more efficient. Our team came up with an effective solution that included an admin portal and an Android mobile app. The admin portal was to be used specifically by company management and the application was for the technicians. We built the admin portal using PHP framework and the mobile app was produced in Java.

Through the admin portal, the management could keep a track of time management, reports, staff, inventory, jobs assigned and the vehicles. The application was used to record technician work by monitoring their timings spent on jobs assigned. The technicians could add images, fill forms and view timesheets.

Automation of the system resulted in higher productivity and performance for the organization. It was time effective solution, enabling the company to improve profitability. It made easier to manage the staff and tasks assigned and increased the overall efficiency.

Moreover, the admin portal and application built were seamlessly in sync with each other. The client was quite satisfied with the work produced by our team as the code was optimized and was friendly for various devices and browsers. The designs produced were clean and crisp and met the client’s requirements.

Technology Stack: