Cafe Zupas – Salad Maker

Web, Websites

Nourish The Good Life.

Problem Statement:
A leading salad chain in the US, Cafe Zupas wanted to improve their recruitment process and hire individuals who could serve the customers well.

Cafe Zupas is a well-known chain that specializes in salads, soups and sandwiches using high-quality, fresh ingredients. They wanted to build a training portal to assist them in recruiting employees who understand the way Cafe Zupas works. The portal was already in place but it needed to built again from scratch with new features and latest technology.

We developed their portal using Laravel and Vue.js where all candidates had to go through a training session followed by a test before being recruited. The system we developed had 3 stages. In the first stage, the user would be introduced to the variety of ingredients that is used at Cafe Zupas. In the next stage, a training session starts for the user where they are required to assemble different salads. A refrigerator is displayed on the screen where all ingredients are visible. Pop-ups are generated on the system to guide user which ingredients to use for which salad. Once the training is completed, the third and the last stage starts where the user is tested. He is required to create salad without any instructions.

The system that we built for Cafe Zupas was an improved version of what they already had. However, what we produced was better in terms of UI/UX as well as development and functionality. It improved employee performance as they only hired the ones who grasped the salad-making process during the training. It allowed the employees to be more speedy and productive.

Technology Stack:
Laravel, Vue.js, HTML5