Fit Together


FitTogether Connects You.

Problem Statement:
While there are numerous social platforms out there, not a single one exists that solely brings together fitness lovers who can interact and socialize with each other.

FitTogether is a social platform for fitness lovers. The web portal and mobile apps had been developed by another development company but nothing worked on the application. It was one of the most challenging projects we have handled to date as we had to work on an already developed system. The web portal was working and the APIs for mobile had been developed. However all the APIs had to be altered and updated by the client’s API partner and then integrated by our team. New designs were created, and integrated.  

The application catered to 3 types of users: social users, gym managers and trainers. We produced Android app in Java and iOS in Swift and Objective C. The features of the application including adding friends, joining groups and creating events, inviting users to challenges, posting on friends’ walls. It was a Facebook for fitness lovers.

The final product was one of its kind, where fitness lovers came together and appreciated a dedicated platform just for them. The entire application was built from scratch using the APIs that had been developed and within a few months of development, we were able to provide a client with a version that restored his confidence and exceeded beyond expectations. We helped the client in testing cycles between the different types of users and ensured each feature was working smoothly and just the way the client wanted.

Technology Stack: